Monday, August 8, 2016


The physical traits of an organism. ("phen") show

The phenotype of a moose include antlers, hooves, and brown fur. Theses are the physical traits which you can see.


The genetic makeup of an organism.

The genotype of a of each organism is unique. For example, the genetic material of a turtle will contain the sex chromosome and the genetic information which tells what type of shell the turtle has.

Sunday, August 7, 2016


A polysaccharide in a plant cell wall that ("cell") stores glucose.

This house plant is an example of cellulose as it contains a cell wall. Within the cell wall is glucose which provides energy and nutrients to the plant.

Concentration Gradient

A region along which the density of a substance increases or decreases.

As a substance is heated, its density decreases spreading the molecules farther apart. Heating water in a pan is an example of a concentration gradient as the density of the water varies depending on the temperature of the substance.

Crossing Over

During prophase I of meiosis, the exchange of genetic material between nonsister chromotids.

This breezeway is an example of crossing over. The breezeway allows access to the other side of the upstairs, common to how crossing over allows the exchange of opposite genetic material. 

Cell Wall

A protective layer on the outside of the plasma membrane in plant cells. The wall to a ("cell") storeroom.

A wall in a house acts like a cell wall as it is a protective feature of the house. The wall keeps out dangerous organisms just as a cell wall does in a plant. 


The ("osis") state in which a cell obtains ("a") no life as it was programmed to die.

A computer which is dead is programmed to shut down once the battery runs out. This function is similar to apoptosis as a cell is programmed to die when the cell can cause a hazard to the organism.