Monday, August 8, 2016


The physical traits of an organism. ("phen") show

The phenotype of a moose include antlers, hooves, and brown fur. Theses are the physical traits which you can see.


The genetic makeup of an organism.

The genotype of a of each organism is unique. For example, the genetic material of a turtle will contain the sex chromosome and the genetic information which tells what type of shell the turtle has.

Sunday, August 7, 2016


A polysaccharide in a plant cell wall that ("cell") stores glucose.

This house plant is an example of cellulose as it contains a cell wall. Within the cell wall is glucose which provides energy and nutrients to the plant.

Concentration Gradient

A region along which the density of a substance increases or decreases.

As a substance is heated, its density decreases spreading the molecules farther apart. Heating water in a pan is an example of a concentration gradient as the density of the water varies depending on the temperature of the substance.

Crossing Over

During prophase I of meiosis, the exchange of genetic material between nonsister chromotids.

This breezeway is an example of crossing over. The breezeway allows access to the other side of the upstairs, common to how crossing over allows the exchange of opposite genetic material. 

Cell Wall

A protective layer on the outside of the plasma membrane in plant cells. The wall to a ("cell") storeroom.

A wall in a house acts like a cell wall as it is a protective feature of the house. The wall keeps out dangerous organisms just as a cell wall does in a plant. 


The ("osis") state in which a cell obtains ("a") no life as it was programmed to die.

A computer which is dead is programmed to shut down once the battery runs out. This function is similar to apoptosis as a cell is programmed to die when the cell can cause a hazard to the organism.


An element that contains 4 stable covalent bonds and is called organic chemistry when bonded with other elements.

Pencils contain forms of carbon in the lead. The darkness of the lead depends on the amount of graphite and carbon. 


A structure that carries genetic material located in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells. 

A notebook is a good representation of a chromosome as it holds the important information of a class. While a chromosome holds the genetic material that determines an organism's genetic make up, a notebook contains the information needed to pass an exam. 

Vestigial Structures

A structure of very little importance to an organism, but are historical remnants of structures that were important to their ancestors.

The wings of a chicken are vestigial structures as they are little use to chickens today. However, the wings were most commonly important to one of their ancestors. The human appendix are an example of vestigial structures as they have little use to humans today.

Trophic Levels

The different levels of which an organism obtains its ("troph") food in an ecosystem.

As shown in this diagram, the lowest level of the trophic levels consists of producers which provides energy for most of the organisms in that ecosystem leading up to the Quaternary consumers. The highest level preys on the lower level organisms. 

Transgenic Organism

An organism that contains a gene introduced from a different organism of the same or different species.

Some organisms can be genetically modified in order for the offspring to contain a certain trait. For example, tetra fish are injected with neon so that their offspring are neon for better looks. 


The process in which a biological community's structure changes over time.

This diagram shows the succession of a biological community. In this specific diagram, the community goes through 3 main stages over a long period of time as new vegetation grows.


A population that has the possibility to interbreed and have to potential to produce fertile offspring.

Two different breeds of dogs are able to interbreed because they are the same species. Their offspring will be fertile and will obtain similar traits to their parents.


A gene located on the sex-chromosome leading to a distinct pattern of inheritance.

The markers with the mismatched caps represent color blindness. Color blindness is passed to the offspring through a sex-linked gene. Most sex-linked genes are located on the X-chromosome.


A trait that is rarely passed down to offspring due to the dominant traits power.("re-") again;back

When a white colored mouse is bred with a grey colored mouse, the white color is the recessive trait. The lighter color is the recessive trait due to the dominance of the darker color. 

Punctuated Equilibrium

A period in a fossil record in which a species undergoes little or no change, interrupted by short periods of sudden change.

A species of kangaroo undergoes a period of punctuated equilibrium. For 5 years, there is very little change in the physical and genetic structure of the kangaroo. However, over the next 3 years the climate becomes colder, therefore the kangaroo adapts to obtain another layer of fur. Then for the next 7 years the kangaroo experiences no more major adaptations.


A molecule containing one or more polypeptides folded and coiled into a 3-D structure.

Peanut Butter is a good representation of protein as it contains a lot of nutrients and protein to provide a person energy. Peanut Butter can commonly be used in protein shakes to provide a person with an abundance of energy and protein for the day. 


A DNA molecule that carries the accessory genes separate from the genes of the bacteria chromosome.

Since plasmid is an accessory gene, I felt that a scarf would best represent plasmid as a scarf is an accessory to an outfit. By being an accessory the plasmid and scarf each have their own unique roles as they are separate from the wrest of the outfit or bacteria.


The inherited characteristics of an organism to be better suit for the environment in which it inhabits.

If a dog were to need to hunt at night, the dog's adapt to its environment and develop the ability to see better at night. Through adaptation the dog is more likely to produce more offspring better fit for the environment.

Plant Adaptation

The process through which a plant must adapt in order to survive in its environment. 

Throughout the day, a sunflower must change its position in order to get an adequate amount of sunlight. Over time the sunflower adapted the traits which allowed it to be better fit for its environment. Therefore, a sunflower is a prime example of plant adaptation.


The conversion of ("photo") light energy into chemical energy which will be stored ("syn") together in sugars and other organic compounds. 

All plants must go through photosynthesis in order to provide itself nutrients. The nutrients produced through photosynthesis is comparative to the food humans need to have enough energy for the day.


A measure of hydrogen ion concentration equal to -log(H+) ranging from 0 to 14. Anything ranked 1-6 is acidic, a 7 is neutral, and 8-14 are bases.

Orange Juice is a prime example of an acid on the pH scale. Since orange juice is ranked lower than a 7, it is considered to be acidic.


A chart showing the genetic relationships and possibilities between family members.

Through this pedigree chart, you can see how a disease will pass through a family. These charts can help doctors predict which family members will inherit the disease. Alzheimers is commonly shown on pedigree charts.


The ("ism") state in which one organism benefits at the expense of another organism.

A tick on a dog is a good representation of a parasitism. The tick feeds off the dog's blood which could furthermore lead to disease or sickness to the dog. The tick is the parasite and the dog is the host.


The ("osis") state of water being diffused across a selectively permeable membrane.

Through this diagram you can see how the solutions mix together through osmosis. The part of the solution with no solute passes through the permeable membrane to mix with the solute. There is always the same amount of solution before and after osmosis.


A  plant, animal, or other species with at least one cell in a living ("ism") state.

A house plant is an example of an organism. This house plant consists of at least one cell and grows due to the amount of water and sunlight provided. 


An atom's ("nuc") center

A flash drive best represents a nucleus as it stores all the important information of a project. The nucleus stores all the information of an atom as it holds the protons and neutrons.


The building blocks of nucleic acids. ("nuc") center

Since nucleotides are the building blocks of nucleic acids, building blocks best represent them. With these blocks, anything can be built just like with nucleic acid through nucleotides.


An organism's role in its environment.

A bee best represents a niche. A bee's niche in its environment is to pollinate flowers to help them grow. Most organisms have a helpful role in its environment.

Natural Selection

Theory discovered by Charles Darwin that the species that is better adapted to the environment will survive and produce better offspring.

In some environments, the length of a giraffe's neck may vary. The length of the giraffe's neck depends on the source of food available. For example, in an environment mainly with shrubs and bushes, the giraffe's neck will be shorter. However, in an environment with tall trees, the length of a giraffe's neck will be longer. The giraffes will not survive in each others environment as they will starve due to the inability to reach their food. 


A symbiotic process in which the ("ism") state of both organisms benefit.

Humans and trees are an example of mutualism. Humans give off carbon dioxide when they breathe and trees provide oxygen. Therefore, both humans and trees are benefiting.


The ("osis") state in which chromosomal sex cells are reproduced to produce an organism.

Cats are reproduced through the process of meiosis. In meiosis the chromosome and DNA structure of the kitten or organism are formed when the parents cells divide. Meiosis only occurs in sexually reproducing organisms.


The ("osis") state or condition of asexual reproduction of a cell.

Human skin and nails are examples of mitosis as the skin and nail cells are reproduced asexually. This means that the cells can independently reproduce themselves. Human skin is reproduced daily.


A ("lip") fatty substance.

Milk is a prime example of a lipid as it contains saturated fat. When at room temperature, a lipid turns into a saturated fat. Saturated fat can be found in most animal produced food. 

Keystone Species

An organism that has a large impact on the environment.

Grizzly bears are a keystone species because they prey on several animals such as moose and elk. Moose and elk commonly eat berries and other plants. Without grizzly bears, there would be an overpopulation of moose and elk leading to a lack of trees and plants in the ecosystem. Therefore, grizzly bears have a positive impact on the ecosystem.


A substance that ("philic") loves ("hydr") water.

This fish tank starter is a good representation of a hydrophilic substance as it dissolves in water. Since hydrophilic substances love water, they are more likely to react or dissolve in water like this fish tank starter.


The ("phob") fear of ("hydr") water.

A rain jacket is a prime example of a hydrophobic. When water touches the jacket, the water rolls off and the jacket is unaffected. In biology a hydrophobic source will not dissolve in water, much like the jacket, and will most likely try to get rid of the water. 

Homologous Structures

Organisms that share the ("homo") same structures due to common ancestry.

Some believe that humans evolved from monkeys. This is believed due to their homologous structures in which they share common traits such as 10 fingers/toes and similar arm structures. Therefore, some believe they are linked to common ancestors.


The ("Homeo") sameness of an organism.

This thermometer is a good representation of homeostasis as it measures the internal temperature of an organism. Most organisms should have a constant internal body temperature. For example, a human should have a temperature of about 98.6 degrees. Therefore, the internal temperature of humans is a homeostasis factor.


The main type of sugar found in an organisms blood and a major provider of energy.

Energy drinks such as "Powerade" contains several grams of sugar in each serving. These sugars are converted into glucose, which provides energy to the body. However, for people who are diabetic, too much glucose can cause harm to the body making them very sick.

Global Warming

The increase in the temperature of the ("glob") earth due to the the effect of greenhouse gases.

The burning of fossil fuels from cars is a leading cause to global warming. To regulate the amount of carbon dioxide emissions released from any car, most states require a car to have their emissions tested once a year. This precaution helps to slow the pace of global warming, which causes several icebergs to melt, furthermore, impacting the living conditions of tundra animals such as polar bears. 


An organism that can ("en-") internally produce its own ("therm") heat.

A cat is a prime example of an endothermic organism. Cats have the capability to use their metabolism to produce their own heat. Also animals with fur are also able to stay warmer as their fur acts as a coat.


Organisms that rely on ("ect") outside sources for ("therm") heat supply.

A heater is a good representation of ectotherm as it provides heat to organisms that can't produce their own heat. Reptiles, such as lizards and snakes, are prime examples of ectotherms as they depend on the sun or a heat lamp to provide warmth to their body.


A gene that masks the effect of the recessive trait.

A darker colored dog that is bred with a light colored dog is more likely to produce offspring with dark colored fur. The dark fur is the dominant trait, which masks the light colored trait. The effect of the dominant gene can also be seen in people as brown eyes are commonly a dominant trait over blue eyes. 


The movement of molecules along a concentration gradient from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration.

A strainer represents diffusion because when cooking, the strainer allows water to pass through from a higher concentrated area to a lower concentrated area. Diffusion can occur at different speeds depending on the medium or gradient the molecule has to travel through.


The process in which the folding structure of a protein is changed due to exposure to a chemical or physical factors causing the protein to become inactive.

An egg represents denaturation as when its cooked, some of its proteins become denatured, furthermore, causing a boiled egg to become hard. The heating of the egg is the physical factor that changes the protein. 

Dehydration Synthesis

Monomers are joined ("syn") together as ("hydr") water is taken out.

A cold drink is a good representation of dehydration synthesis as condensation develops on the outside of the cup when introduced to a warmer environment. Dehydration synthesis is also known as condensation.


When two organisms ("co") together affect the evolution of the other. 

An owl and mouse are examples of coevolution. An owl preys on a mouse, the mouse may evolve and develop traits that make it harder to be hunted by the owl. Therefore, the owl will no longer hunt the mouse, furthermore, affecting each others evolution. 


The ("chloro") green part of a plant cell.

This bush best represents chloroplast because it is green, and the part of the plant in which the chloroplast is located is green. The chloroplast is also the location in which photosynthesis occurs.